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While most bail bond types are defined only in a monetary sense, there are exceptions here that also involve other factors in addition to money. One great example is the world of immigration bail bonds, which are issued by US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) in many cases when they’ve arrested and detained someone who is violating United States immigration law.
At All N One Bonding and Insurance of Las Vegas, we’re happy to provide bail bond service to a variety of potential clients and case types. How do immigration bail bonds work, and what are some of the different types available generally? We will go over everything you need to know about this process if you or someone close to you becomes involved in an immigration bond situation.
Immigration Bond Process
As we noted, one of ICE’s duties is to arrest and/or detain anyone believed to be violating US immigration law. In such cases, those who have been detained can be released ahead of their court date so long as they obtain an immigration bond – but this requires meeting some qualifications first.
Now, it’s important to note that not every immigration-related case here will necessarily require a specific bond. In certain situations, ICE will release a detainee on what’s called personal recognizance, essentially a guarantee the detainee makes that they’ll be present for their upcoming court date and will not be involved in any illegal activity while outside custody. Personal recognizance comes with no cost or bond needed. In other cases, however, the immigration judge or ICE will set a specific bail amount, at which time detainees need to begin thinking about their options for an immigration bond – which we’ll go over in our subsequent sections.
Delivery Bond
One of the more common types of immigration bond is the delivery bond, which is designed to ensure that the detainee in question will appear for their court hearings related to this case. It’s often used for detainees who might be deemed a mild flight risk. To obtain such a bond, the detainee must obtain an arrest warrant plus a notice of custody conditions before approval.
Voluntary Departure Bond
In other cases, the person being detained will arrange to voluntarily leave the US by a specific date as part of their bond agreement – this is a voluntary departure bond. It’s a common type that can often be granted before any court proceedings or arguments are required. However, it’s vital that the detainee in question obeys the bond’s directive and leaves the country by the date required, because the bond will be relinquished and there will be significant additional legal issues otherwise.
Now that we have gone over some of the basics involved with immigration bail bonds. These bonds are issued by ICE or immigration judges to those who have been detained for violating US immigration laws, and there are a few different types to be aware of.
We offer a wide range of bail bond services available 24/7 to our clients. If you or a loved one is involved in any such situation, contact our bail bondsmen immediately to learn what we can do for you. In today’s part two of our series, we’ll go over one type of immigration bond we didn’t cover in part one, plus look at how immigration bonds are paid and whether obtaining one is truly worth it for those in this situation.
Order of Supervision Bond
In some cases, those who have been detained for violating immigration laws will be given (or will already have) a deportation order. This means they are being sent back to their home country sometime in the near future.
In these situations, the person in question needs time to obtain their passport, their family and other details before returning to their home country. This is what the order of supervision bond is for – it’s generally given to those with a child or another family member in the US, or other important ties that offer a legitimate reason for them to remain here for a short period before deportation. Those on this bond type are required to report to an ERO office to check in every so often.
How to Pay and Post Immigration Bonds
One important note on all immigration bond types: They must be filed and paid for by a legal US citizen. There are two payment formats available for an immigration bond:
- Cash bond: In some cases, a friend or family member of the person being detailed will be able to pay ICE the full bond amount. This is the preferable option where possible, because all this money will be retuned so long as the detainee attends their hearings and follows other directives.
- Surety bond: When there isn’t enough cash on hand to pay the bond in full, you can work with one of our bond agents to get a surety bond that’s usually charged at between 15 and 20 percent of the full amount.
Is Posting an Immigration Bond Worth It?
Some who have been detained by ICE may be wondering whether it’s worth their time and expense to arrange an immigration bond. The answer is almost always yes – obtaining a bond and release allows one to arrange the details of their case in a more specific manner with their attorney, plus offers them time to spend with their family before a hearing or possible deportation.
For more on immigration bail bonds, or to learn about any of our bond services, speak to the staff at today. 702-333-2663