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House Arrest FAQ’s2022-06-01T05:23:58-07:00
How do I pay for my Electronic Monitoring Program fees?2020-02-07T00:09:29-07:00
You may mail or present a money order to:
     Clark County Detention Center
     Attn: Electronic Monitoring Program
     330 S. Casino Center Blvd.
     Las Vegas, NV 89101
Credit card payments are accepted at the House Arrest office. The card holder must be present at the time the transaction is completed and have current photo ID.
Credit card payments may be submitted on-line.
Can I work while on the Electronic Monitoring Program?2020-02-07T00:14:47-07:00

Yes. Participants are able to work while on the Clark County Detention Center Electronic Monitoring Program. All employment will be verified at the time of intake and an advance schedule is required.

Can I go to medical appointments?2020-02-07T00:15:47-07:00

Yes. Medical appointments are permitted with verification and prior approval. Medical emergencies that require immediate medical care are the only exception to the prior approval rule.

Do I have to wear an ankle bracelet for the entire time that I am on the program?2020-02-07T00:17:09-07:00

Yes. A tamper proof GPS device will be required to remain on the participant’s ankle for the duration of the Electronic Monitoring Program.

What if I violate the Electronic Monitoring Program?2020-02-07T00:17:51-07:00

You will be immediately taken into custody and returned to the Clark County Detention Center to serve out the remaining jail sentence. You will not receive a refund.

Am I allowed to go to counseling, school, AA meetings, etc.?2020-02-07T00:18:30-07:00

Yes. We allow for you to attend all court required classes with verification.

What happens if I tamper with or lose the device?2020-02-07T00:19:25-07:00

If the device is tampered with or purposefully damaged or lost, you will be required to pay for a replacement device and additional criminal charges will be forwarded for prosecution.

Will my residence be searched while on the Electronic Monitoring Program?2020-02-07T00:20:13-07:00

Yes. Participants’ homes will be searched for contraband while on the Electronic Monitoring Program.

Can I start Electronic Monitoring Program when it is convenient for me?2020-02-07T00:20:58-07:00

No. The Electronic Monitoring Program begins immediately following sentencing unless specified differently by the courts.

Do I need a home phone line to be on Electronic Monitoring Program? 2020-02-07T00:21:42-07:00

You must have either a land-line phone in the residence or a cell phone.

How do I contact Electronic Monitoring Program? 2021-06-15T01:32:21-07:00

Inquiries may be directed to (702) 333-2663 or via e-mail to HAEC@LVMPD.COM. The office hours of operation are 8:00am – 4:00pm, Monday – Friday (excluding holidays).

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The information provided is intended as a courtesy only. This information comes from the Clark County website and is basic, general information that does not fit all situations. It is the duty of each individual to know what rules of court and law apply.
The Clark County Detention Center, the Electronic Monitoring Program, and their employees shall not be liable for errors contained herein or for direct, indirect, special, or consequential damages in connection with the furnishing of this material.
Andrew Renshaw

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